Vibe Tribe interview

10 years ago
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PM: Hi Stas! Thank you for accepting our invitation! Do you want to give an intro for yourself?

Vibe Tribe: Hi, Thanks for the invitation! My name is Stas and I am more known as Vibe Tribe. Another project I am involved with is DaVinci Code, Bizzare Tribe, and Mainstage Records.

PM: How you started with Psychedelic Trance production in the first place? 

Vibe Tribe: Well I discovered psychedelic trance (or Goa Trance as it was called at the time) more or less when I was 8-9 years old, It was different and got my attention as a kid, later on, I fell in love with the genre and the rest is history. (laughs)

PM: How do you see your journey in Psytrance till now?

Vibe Tribe: Good question, I would say it’s one hell of a ride that’s always evolving and taking me to new places and new perspectives. 

PM. Do You have anything you consider the highlight of your carrier? 

Vibe Tribe: Had lots of great moments hard to name one specific but I would say playing in the same event with The Prodigy, grew up on them and I consider them as one of my heroes.

PM: We saw that you’ve been announced by the gigantic Tomorrowland, congrats on that. Do you think Tomorrowland is too mainstream for Psychedelic Trance or, our scene has grown so popular nowadays that even these major EDM festivals feel that they need to have Psytrance? 

Vibe Tribe: Thank you, I don’t think so because Tomorrowland is one of the biggest electronic music festivals in the world if not THE, It has mainstream stages as long as d&b, techno, and psytrance stage. Any electronic music fan would easily find his favorite genre, there is a stage for anyone there and I also think it’s a great step for psy trance music in general. 

PM:  How do you see the future of Psytrance?

Vibe Tribe: I see it keeping evolve and reaching new heights, the Psytrance had its ups and downs but it seems like there is a good “UP” now many of the producers that disappeared for a while are coming back now and producing new stuff and fresh beats, I also really love that the direction now is less commercial that the full-on that was going on a few years back, it is more “psychedelic trance” with 2014 standards of production, I find my self enjoying many new releases that coming out this day which was not happening for me at least in the last 2-3 years.

PM: Talk to us a little bit about your newly released track, Story of DMT, a humongous track! Is with Spade and Faders, two kinda fresh producers of your scene.

Vibe Tribe: Well that track is a story! (laughs) I am extremely proud of it and I think its one of the best tracks I personally was involved with in the last few years it also just hit #1 on Beatport’s top 100 tracks a few days ago so I guess the public has said his word about this one. I have made it with 2 great friends of mine Elmar (Spade) and Or (Faders) both are producers that I respect and like a lot of their own tracks, so it was just natural for us to join forces on this track.

PM: As you can imagine, a lot of our readers are involved in the production themselves. What are your production tips for the upcoming producers out there? 

Vibe Tribe: Put all the time you can into it, Don’t look for shortcuts, walk the extra mile, try new stuff, try to be innovative don’t try to do the same thing that was done over and over again. If you want to be successful you should bring a fresh breeze to the scene with your own mark.

PM: What is your studio set up as of today and what is your primary DAW program?

Vibe Tribe: The list is pretty long but the main ingredients in that soup are Logic X for DAW, Focal Twin6BE speakers, Apogee soundcard and for synths Virus TI, Moog Voyager, Roland V-Synth GT, Nord lead, innovation, and a few more goodies (laughs!)

PM: Any favorite tools/plugins our fans should know?

Vibe Tribe: Hm, synth wise I like a lot Massive, Circle, Sylenth 1, and some of the Arturia stuff that’s what I can remember now for plugins as effects I couldn’t live without my UAD2 bundle. 

PM: Which are your confirmed upcoming gigs people can see you live? 

Vibe Tribe: Again it’s quite a list so the best would follow my Facebook page for upcoming events, Currently I am answering this interview from an airport lounge on the way to Copenhagen.

PM: Thank you very much for your time Stas and we wish you all the best.

Vibe Tribe: Thank you very much as well best wishes and keep spreading the good vibe (tribe) 

Sadly, Stas left us all for his trip to the other side in October 2022.
May his music live forever.

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