Egorythmia Interview

9 years ago
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PM: Hi there Boban. Let’s start from the basics, who you are and where are you from?

Egorythmia: Hello. I’m a music producer from North Macedonia, a small beautiful country in the south of the Balkans. 

PM: How you started your journey in Psy-trance?

Egorythmia: First time I discovered Psy-trance was in the late ’90s in my hometown Skopje, where I visited some of the underground parties from that period. I was immediately hypnotized by the magical Goa Trance music.  

PM: How did you got involved with the production of music?

Egorythmia: As I discovered the music I went a step further and started discovering the way this music is produced. From there on, I started exploring and upgrading my knowledge. As years went by, my interest grew, and producing became my main preoccupation. 

PM: It was a long ride till you come to the point you are today.

Egorythmia: Indeed. The ride was hard and demanded most of my time. I am doing this for 14 years today, but since 2008 I am working on the Egorythmia project.

PM: How you would describe your music style?

Egorythmia: My music style goes from deep dark techno-trance to progressive Psy-trance. But I also produce other kinds of music like breaks, downtempo, and techno.

PM: What means to you to be a member of the IONO family?

Egorythmia: The fluid between me and IONO came naturally because my music style fits perfectly with the music style that IONO releases. We are together for 8 years. Also, I must say that Matthias and I became really good friends and our support is mutual.  

PM: Is there anything specific you draw inspiration from? 

Egorythmia: Alone time with myself.

PM: Let’s talk about the production, what DAW do you use today?

Egorythmia: Mostly I use software DAW like Cubase.

PM: The eternal question, hardware or software?

Egorythmia: These days VSTs are more and more used because the quality is advancing every day. 

PM: Do you have any favorite hardware and/or software these days?

Egorythmia: My favorite VSTs are Native Instruments, Sylenth, and all of the Spectrasonics collection. For my live sets, I also use Native Instruments controllers.

PM: Do you have any advice to give to the “young guns” out there trying to produce their own beats? 

Egorythmia: Fall in love with your beat and give your new lover all the time and attention it needs. Never give up and you will be rewarded. 

PM: How do you see our scene as of today?

Egorythmia: I think the scene is becoming way too commercial, but on the other hand it never was bigger. Never imagined that it will grow this much. However, I enjoy this period like never before, because we finally have the opportunity to perform in front of so many people all around the world. 

PM: Are any new releases coming out of cooking? 

Egorythmia: Of course. At the moment I’m working on two singles which are going to be released next month. I’m also working on my third compilation for IONO music. But most important, my debut album is in progress and I hope to release it by the end of the year. Besides all that, I’m working on my new project Time Travellers with E-Clip, and soon we will have our first release.

PM: What are your future plans?

Egorythmia: I plan to focus more on my album. Also continue traveling, performing, and producing. You know, the never-ending story. I want to mention that recently I started working with Terraform Bookings and we have some big things coming up.   

PM: That’s great news! So, before we wrap this up, do you have any message to the psytrance lovers out there?

Egorythmia: We share the same love, so I know how you all feel. Keep feeling it.   

PM: Thank you for your time Boban and all the best for your project!

Egorythmia: Thank you Psychedelic Magazine, it was a pleasure. 

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